Please Fill out this form and return 72 hours before commencing work
STRUCTURAL and or LAYOUT of the Apartments
The Freeholder Project Theseus (Cyclops) Limited [PTL] have confirmed that they will not consider any proposal to change the Structural Elements of the Block.
PTL have further confirmed that whilst they may consider proposals for open plan configuration of the apartments by moving/removing non-structural partition walls within the demise, no proposal to change of occupancy of the apartment will be considered. Also change to transmission media entry and egress (drains, water supply electrics) at the boundary of the demise will not be permitted. Nor will they permit relocation of extract fans to the wet rooms (kitchen and bathroom).
BATHROOM and KITCHEN modernisation
The modernisation of bathrooms or kitchens are permitted subject to requirement and notification discussed below.
The original design of the apartments was carpeted flooring except the wet areas. Over the years some leaseholders have selected wood flooring as replacement to the original carpet. Some without consideration to the noise transfer to the apartment below which could be a source of nuisance and in breach of the lease. PTL therefore, are happy to consider application for hard flooring subject to adequate insulating noise barrier.
ENTRANCE DOORS from the lobbies.
The entrance doors and the ironmongery whilst the responsibility of the demise, can not be changed. Any replacement must be identical to the existing doors and must be proposed to the Manager for approval. The doors and the frames must be ½ hour fire doors and frames.
The maintenance of the Windows and Balcony doors is part of the cyclic external decoration works funded by the Reserves. However, under the lease the window frames and glass are demised and is the responsibility of the leaseholder. Any replacement must be visually identical to the existing (frames, transoms, colours etc) and must be proposed to the Manager for approval.
Before commencement of any work within the demise, notification must be given to the manager of intension of carrying out work. The notification must be submitted together with the scope and specification of the intended work. Depending on the type of work there may be a fee chargeable for consideration of the proposed work by the Manager or PTL. On approval the “Rules and regulation of work at Cyclops” must be completed signed and submitted to the Estate Office before commencement.
Contractors Employed by Apartment Owners for any Building,
Interior or Alteration Work within an Apartment must Adhere to the following Regulations.
1. At lease 72 hours notice must be given before the commencement of any
2. All contractors must be properly insured to cover any consequent loss or
damage to other Lessees flats and common parts as a result of their work.
Details of insurance to be provided to the Managing Agents prior to
commencement of work.
3. WORKING HOURS: Working hours are strictly limited to the following times irrespective of whether the works are noisy or not:
Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
No work to be carried out Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays.
4. TIME SCHEDULE: A timetable of works is to be agreed with the Estate Manager or Managing Agents.
5. COMMON AREAS: Work must not affect common parts or inhibit the use of the common areas to other Cyclops Wharf Residents.
6. NOISE: Every effort must be made to reduce the extent of noise and dust during the
works. The contractors will be responsible for sealing up all doors to prevent
such problems and be responsible for cleaning up any areas that are disturbed all to the satisfaction of the Estate Manger or Managing Agent.
7. USE OF LIFTS: Means of access for labours, materials and equipment to be arranged with the Managing Agents. The lifts are not to be used to move materials or equipment without prior approval of the Estate Manger or Managing Agent and then only after suitable Corex lift protection must be fitted to the lift at contractors expense.
8. RUBBISH BUILDING WASTE: All rubbish to be left in the flat and removed directly to contractors transport. The developments rubbish bins are not to be used. No rubbish is to be left in the common areas, staircases, basement car park or any pavement or road at any time. If the contractor requires a use of skip, the this will be at the contractors expense and only if the Estate Manger or Managing Agent approves a skip coming to the estate.
9. BEFORE LEAVING SITE: Contractors to leave all common areas clean and tidy at the end of each day.
10. PARKING VEHICLES: No contractor’s vehicles are to be parked in the basement or on site without prior agreement. Any vehicle found to be parked on site without prior
Agreement will be clamped and / or towed away at owner’s expense.
11. REGISTERING CONTRACTOR STAFF: All contractors and sub-contractors are to be registered with the porter and to have limited access to the flat, staircase and basement. They are not permitted to any of the lift lobby areas adjacent to each apartment (except for access) or the main entrance lobby.
12. SMOKING: Smoking is not permitted in any of the common areas of the building.
13. DAMAGE TO COMMON AREAS: Leaseholders to undertake responsibility for any damage to common areas or equipment. The leaseholder will undertake to carry out the necessary remedial work without delay in matching materials and to the Managing Agents satisfaction.
14. POWER SUPPLIES: The contractor is not permitted to use the Landlords electricity supply, without the prior agreement of the Estate Manager or Managing Agents.
15. NOTIFICATION TO NEIGHBOURING FLATS: Depending upon the extent of the work the Lessee (undertaking the works) may be required to settle a Schedule of Conditions with the Managing Agents and the owners of neighbouring flats in order to safeguard the Managing Agents and the neighbours against damage and the Lessee from unjustified claims at a later stage.
16. ACCIDENTS ON SITE: Any accidents which have resulted in injury to contractor must be reported at the earliest opportunity to the Estate Office Duty Staff. There the contractor must complete and sign the Site Accident/ Injury Book.
17. FIRE ALARM: Contractors must inform the Estate Office Duty Staff if any work due to be conducted may set off a smoke alarm in the vicinity of the required works. In this instance the Duty Staff will if required disable the Fire Zone which serves that area.
In addition to the general requirements for all works and conditions set out in any License the following additional regulations must be adhered to:
1. Three sets of drawings to be submitted with application. Lessees will be
Responsible for the Managing Agents fees where a License is required. Parc
Properties Ltd. charge a minimum fee of £250.00 + VAT for dealing with
Applications but reserve the right to charge on an hourly basis at the rate of
£90.00 + VAT per hour should the matter take more than one hour. Where a
Formal License is required Lessees will be responsible for all legal and
Surveyors fees. These charges are irrespective of whether freeholder approval is obtained or not. The Lessee must provide a written undertaking to these costs.
2. The Estate Manger must be notified prior to any works being carried
Out, and his approval must be obtained before the commencement of any work. A copy of such approval must be sent to the Managing Agents.
3. All works must comply with all statutory requirements.
4. Work must not affect the supply of services to other apartments. Where the
Disruption of services to other apartments is necessary to undertake the work
This must be arranged with the Managing Agents with at least 14 days notice.
5. Work to mechanical or electrical systems which affect common services are to be arranged through the Managing Agents and carried out by the ongoing Maintenance contractor.
6. No external scaffolding may be erected without Managing Agents (Parc Properties) permission and agreed timetable.
Person in charge of works after reading and understanding the Site Working Regulations must complete section below.