To contact the Estate Office/porters lodge
Tel: 020 7537 3751
Mob: 07442 509 570
E-mail: cwr@cwrcl.ukAddress
Cyclops Wharf Estate Office
Neptune Court
Homer Drive
E14 3UQTo contact the board
In the first instance, please email
If you wish to write to the Board, please address your envelope to Board of Directors, c/o Porters Lodge, and use the above address. If you live in Cyclops Wharf, simply give your letter to the porters who will pass it on to the board.
To contact Parc Properties, the managing agent
Parc Properties
8 Cumbrian House
217 Marsh Wall
E14 9FJTelephone (020) 7515 3553
Fax (020) 7537 7779Email or
Please ensure you cc The Board of Directors on any email correspondence with Parc Properties.